Announcing the 1st DBPA
Tonight, thursday April 20 2006, on the occasion of the 22nd Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival, the Order of the Delft Blue Penis will bestow the first of seven daily Delft Blue Penis Awards on an unsuspecting recipient. Check this site during the coming week to see who GETS it - and why, for God's sake.
1st DBPA for AFFF-staffer Van Tongeren
The 1st DBPA was awarded on thursday April 20 2006 to Phil van Tongeren "for being forgotten two years in a row in the opening speech of AFFF-director and best friend Jan Doense", a speech he happened to ghostwrite himself!

2nd DBPA for Dead by Dawn
The 2nd DBPA was awarded on friday April 21 2006 to Adele Hartley of the Edinburgh Dead by Dawn festival "for being the best fantastic film festival
during the Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival - and serving a mean ale". The prize was presented by a DBPA delegation on stage at the Edinburgh Filmhouse in front of a capacity crowd.

3rd DBPA for John Doe
The 3rd DBPA was awarded on saturday April 22 2006 during the Night of Terror. For "sleeping most gracefully all through the movie" the prize went to John Doe, who remains unknown because he proved impossible to wake up. The T-shirt that goes with the award was initially stolen from this sleeping beauty, but retrieved by the ever-watchful jury.

4th DBPA for Gutsman
The 4th DBPA was awarded on sunday April 23 2006 to comics-artist Erik Kriek a.k.a. Gutsman for "best screenhugging during the 22nd AFFF". At the festival you'll always find Erik smack in the center of the first row. Before the screening of Brian Yuzna's 'Beneath Still Waters' we brought Kriek on stage, closing the last gap between the fan and his beloved silver screen.

5th DBPA for AFFF-volunteer Ruben Drukker
The 5th DBPA was awarded on tuesday April 25 2006 to diehard AFFF-volunteer Ruben 'RDD' Drukker for "best display of festival-couture during the 22nd AFFF". Over the week Ruben has showed off his complete collection of Weekend of Terror- and AFFF-T-shirts.

6th DBPA for awards designer P van F
The 6th DBPA was awarded on wednesday April 26 2006 to designer P van F for "achieving a lifetime of awards". Over the years P designed and built a beautiful collection of Silver Scream-, Lifetime Achievement- and Black Tulip Awards.

7th DBPA for AFFF-director Jan Doense
The 7th DBPA was awarded on wednesday April 26 2006 to AFFF-festival director Jan Doense for "thanking Phil van Tongeren during the closing speech of the 22nd AFFF". Two years in a row Jan forgot to mention his good friend (and ghostwriter) in his opening speech, but he certainly made good this year and incidentally brought our awardslist full circle. Bravo!

Doense and Van Tongeren: all is well that ends well
The Delft Blue Penis Award might return in 2007, during the 23rd Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival (April 18-25). Or it might not.
The DBPA crew